Data Recovery
A member of the Washington Post had a dozen 5.25-inch floppy disks (Double Sided Double Density) which were used in a PC in the 1980s. Some similar disks in the group were readable recently with a 5.25 inch drive. But this dozen were not readable. The computer message suggested they were corrupted or unformatted.However they contained data which was thought to have been deliberately erased, or the disks may be old (they were sitting for about 20 years in a closet.) The discs may contain valuable information for a book project in a series of files written in Lotus Symphony, they were not from an Apple computer. We successfully read the files and moved the data off the floppy discs to CD. This Disk Conversions & Transfer was filed under words like Unreadable Floppy DS DD file data recovery.
Unreadable Legacy 5.25-inch floppy disks Lotus Symphony

Unreadable Legacy 5.25-inch floppy disks Lotus Symphony, Liverpool, , UK
Floppy Disk Transfer Laboratory, 5.25 inch Floppy Disk, Liverpool, , UK
If you have a similar case to this concerning Unreadable Legacy 5.25-inch floppy disks Lotus Symphony, then contact our friendly company.
Free quote and consultation by telephone or email (contact details above ).
We strive with all our means to get your data back quickly and efficiently, so email or call us to discuss your problem.
We recover from many problems so even if you don't see your trouble mentioned, we probably do it or know someone who can.
5.25 inch Floppy Disk
5.25 inch Floppy Disk problems that we recover data from are listed below.
Unreadable, Floppy, DS, DD, file, data, recovery.
We can provide Disk Conversions & Transfer for 5.25 inch Floppy Disk. This case was related to Unreadable old DS-DD 5.25-inch floppys with Lotus Symphony.