Otto said ... I contacted Data Recovery Services from the USA (Detroit) as I could not find any US company that could (or would be willing) to retrieve medical image data from an old magneto-optical drive. Service was excellent in not only delivering the image data, but also provide help with customs issues, which was well appreciated. Overall, this company provides outstanding service for a reasonable price and I can recommend it whole-heartedly.About this MO disk data recovery ... The data was written from a SUN 10 workstation using UNIX and stored medical image datafrom a ECAT HR PET scanner. The disks appeared to be corrupted and could not be read by the customers drive, so we recovered the data and transferred it to a USB drive and CD/DVD. This Disk Conversions & Transfer was filed under words like MO disk recovery medical image scanner data.
MO Disk Recovering Medical Image Data from PET Scanner

MO Disk Recovering Medical Image Data from PET Scanner, OMuzik, Detroit, Michigan
MO Disk Transfer Laboratory, MO Disk Data Recovery, OMuzik, Detroit, Michigan
If you have a similar case to this concerning MO Disk Recovering Medical Image Data from PET Scanner, then contact our friendly company.
Free quote and consultation by telephone or email (contact details above ).
We strive with all our means to get your data back quickly and efficiently, so email or call us to discuss your problem.
We recover from many problems so even if you don't see your trouble mentioned, we probably do it or know someone who can.
MO Disk Data Recovery
MO Disk Data Recovery problems that we recover data from are listed below.
MO, disk, recovery, medical, image, scanner, data.
We can provide Disk Conversions & Transfer for MO Disk Data Recovery. This case was related to Data Recovery from MO disks that stored Medical Dicom Images.