LTO Tape Conversion and File Data Transfer

LTO Tape Data Cartridge File Transfer and Data Recovery
LTO Ultrium tapes - we specialise in LTO Ultrium
Data Cartridge data retrieval - we specialise
in transfer / conversion extraction of data files
from tape to USB, Hard Drives, CD / DVD or HDD. This
includes LTO Ultrium formats below
The LTO tape is frequently found in Servers eg
Dell Powervault, HP & IBM under Windows 2000
2003 Server 2008 backups. The linear tape backup
storage is a rival to the proprietary Quantum
DLT format and includes WORM (Write Once, Read
Many) cartridges which are often two-tone coloured.
LTO tapes are made by EMTEC, FujiFilm, Hewlett-Packard,
IBM Imation Maxell Overland Quantum RPS Seagate
Sony StorageTek Tandberg TDK Verbatim.
LTO-1 Data Cartridge Tape (100GB/200GB)
LTO-2 Data Cartridge Tape (200GB/400GB)
LTO-3 Data Cartridge Tape (400GB/800GB)
LTO-4 Data Cartridge Tape (800GB/1600GB)
We recover from a variety of backup software
Windows 95 98 98se NT 2000 XP 7
Apple Mac Macintosh OSX OS9 OS-X OS-9
Windows Backup software, EMC Insignia Dantz Retrospect,
Yosemite, Veritas Backup Exec, ArcServe-IT, Seagate
Backup-Exec, Seagate Tapestor , HP Colorado,
Linux / Unix .tar .zip .gzip .z files, dump, restore
Solaris ufsdump ufsrestore
Tape Cartridges by Dysan Dell TDK IBM Imation,
HP, 3M, Seagate, Iomega Tandberg Jetmedia Verbatim
Quantum Acer Lacie Compaq IBM
LTO Tape Data Cartridge File Transfer and Data Recovery
LTO Tape Data Cartridge File Transfer and Data Recovery problems that we recover data from are listed below.
LTO transfer, LTO Ultrium transfer, LTO Data Cartridge Transfer, LTO data recovery, LTO conversion, Read LTO tapes, Copy LTO tapes.
We transfer data files from LTO tape to USB hard drives, and flash memory sticks. Includes LTO Data Cartridges, LTO Ultrium tapes, Backup Exec.
For further information on LTO Tape Data Cartridge File Transfer and Data Recovery see this info