SLR and MLR Tape transfer and conversion

SLR and MLR Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery
SLR is Scalable Linear Recording/Multi-channel Linear
Recording. The cassette cartridge records on linear
recording technology, which is of the same family
as other LTO devices. Data is written to the tape
longitudinally in a series of rows(rather then helically
on some other tape systems). At the end of the tape
the head writes to the next row in the reverse direction.
The tape is contained entirely within the SLR cartridge,
reducing the chance of contamination, tape stress,
increasing the tape cartridge reliability. The drives
offer in-line data compression, and the tape cartridges
provide data backup, cad drawings archives, file
transfer and archiving solution.
SLR Tape Drives QIC 4x6x1/2 Data
Cartridge Tape
DC 300 XL-P, DC 600A, DC 6150, DC 6250, DC 6320, DC 6525,
DC 9100/MAGNUS 1.0, DC 9120/MAGNUS 1.2,
DC 9200/MAGNUS 2.0, DC 9250/MAGNUS 2.5,
SLR-5, SLR24, MLR1, SLR32, SLR40, SLR50, SLR60
60MB, 150MB, 250MB, 320MB, 525MB, 1GB, 1.2GB, 2/4GB,
2.5/5GB, 4/8GB, 12/24GB, 13/26GB, 16/32GB, 20/40GB,
25/50GB, 30/60GB, 50/100GB
60mb, 120mb, 150mb, 525mb 1000mb 1.2GB, 150 Mbytes
SLR1 SLR2 SLR3 QIC-1000, QIC-525, QIC-150, QIC-120
3M DC-6150, DC-6250, DC-6320, DC-6525,
DC-9100 Magnus 1.0 gb, DC-9120/ Magnus 1.2 gb
1GB 2GB 2.5GB 4gb/8gb 12gb/24gb 13gb/26gb 16gb/32gb
20gb/40gb 25gb/50gb 30gb/60gb DC-9200 Magnus 2.0,
DC-9250 Magnus 2.5, SLR5, SLR24 SLR6, MLR1 (13gb/26GB),
SLR32 16gb/32gb , SLR7 (40GB), SLR40 MLR2, SLR50
MLR3, SLR60 30gb/60GB
SLR75 38gb/75Gb, SLR100 50gb/100gb SLR140 70GB/140GB
5,25 inch data cartridge DC SLR QIC tape by
IBM Imation, 3M, Tandberg.
We recover from a variety of backup software
Windows 95 98 98se NT 2000 XP
Apple Mac Macintosh OSX OS9 OS-X OS-9
Windows Backup software, EMC Insignia Dantz Retrospect,
Yosemite, Veritas Backup Exec, ArcServe-IT, Seagate
Backup-Exec, Vax VMS Backup, Seagate Tapestor , HP Colorado,
Linux / Unix .tar .zip .gzip .z files, dump, restore
Solaris ufsdump ufsrestore
Tape Cartridges by Dysan Dell TDK IBM Imation, HP,
3M, Seagate, Iomega Tandberg Jetmedia Verbatim Quantum
Acer Lacie Compaq IBM
SLR and MLR Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery
SLR and MLR Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery problems that we recover data from are listed below.
SLR tape transfer, MLR tape transfer, SLR data cartridge Transfer, MLR data cartridge transfer, data recovery from SLT tapes, read SLR tape, read MLR tape..
We can read and copy files from SLR and MLR tape data cartridges to USB hard drives, and USB flash memory sticks, as well as download or uploads to cloud.
For further information on SLR and MLR Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery see this info