AIT Tape File and Data Transfer

AIT Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery
We specialise in transfer / conversion of Sony AIT tapes. We can read the data and extract files for copying to hard drive / CD / USB / DVD or download link for electronic transfer.
AIT tape format was designed to meet the server market and utilises a memory-in-cassette enabling data file locations to be stored for quicker read write access speeds.
Sony introduced a WORM (Write Once Read Many) variation of the AIT-2 format to meet data archive criteria. Super-AIT Capacities rival DLT and Super-DLT tapes.
Advanced Intelligent Tape. AIT-1 and Turbo mic (memory in cassette)
8mm AME MIC, non MIC, AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo, AIT-1, AIT-2 Turbo, AIT-1, AIT-2, AIT-3 AIT-3EX, AIT-4 AIT-5.
Manufacturers include Maxell, Compaq Storageworks, Sony, and HP.
- TAITE-20N 20GB
- SDX125C 25GB
- SDX135C 35GB
- TAIT1-40N TAIT1-40C 40GB
- SDX2-36C 36GB
- SDX2-50C 50GB
- SDX2-50W 50GB
- TAIT2-80N TAIT2-80C 80GB
- SDX3-100C 100GB
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX3X-150C 150GB
- SDX4-200C 200GB
- SDX4-200W 200GB
- SDX5-400C 400GB Media x/R-MIC
- SDX5-400W 400GB WORM w/R-MIC
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX3-100W 100GB
- SDX-T3C 25/50 GB gigabyte 170m/557ft 16k
- SDX1-35C AIT Data Cartridge 35GB 91GB 230m 64k
- SDX1-25C AIT-1 25GB 65GB 16k
- Compaq StorageWorks AIT-1 70GB 64k
- SDX2-50C 50GB 130GB 64k 230m
- SDX3-100C AIT-3 100GB 260GB 230m 754feet 64k
- AIT 100GB 64k Data Cartridge
We recover from a variety of backup software
Windows 95 98 98se NT 2000 XP
Apple Mac Macintosh OSX OS9 OS-X OS-9
Windows Backup software, EMC Insignia Dantz Retrospect,
Yosemite, Veritas Backup Exec, ArcServe-IT, Seagate
Backup-Exec, Seagate Tapestor , HP Colorado,
Linux / Unix .tar .zip .gzip .z files, dump, restore
Solaris ufsdump ufsrestore
Tape Cartridges by Dysan Dell TDK UBM Imation,
HP, 3M, Seagate, Iomega Tandberg Jetmedia Verbatim
Quantum Acer Lacie Compaq IBM
Your data privacy is a priority
for us.
We have full non-disclosure
and privacy agreement for any data recovered to
protect your privacy.
Returning your recovered data
or repaired file.
The data will be given to you
on either DVD, CD, Email, or another hard drive.
You choose!
AIT Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery
AIT Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery problems that we recover data from are listed below.
AIT transfer, AIT tape transfer, AIT File Transfer, AIT data recovery, copying AIT tapes, reading files from AIT, AIT-1, AIT-2, AIT-3.
We can read and copy files from AIT tape to USB hard drives, and flash memory sticks. .
For further information on AIT Tape File Transfer and Data Recovery see this info